Louisa Johnson

I, Louisa Johnson, am a professional hair expert, smart stylist, and sassy blogger. At my childhood, I spent most of my spare time reading beauty blogs and giving tips to my mates. As I grow up, I tried to seek more knowledge on beauty and health care by admitting to Regency Beauty Institute on Cosmetology in 1985. But I didn’t stop there !!! I am still very enthusiastic about reading and experimenting with beauty products. I am a professional blogger of Best Hot Rollers Today Team.

I know what I am talking about when it comes to doing hairstyles with heating tools. I use my best knowledge to keep the hair damage to the minimum. My interest and professionalism bring the best outcome for everyone who meets with me.

Louisa Johnson

To give the right direction to others, I ardently write blogs so that other women can get my views and tips on particular matters or choosing the best tools/products by spending few minutes on the web.

I love to spend my best moments with my husband and two daughters, sharing and caring to make the family bond far stronger. Besides writing blogs, I have been writing a book on hair care to be coming into light very soon. Moreover, inventing heating tools that are free of doing damage is my lifelong dream and I am on the course to achieve the goal.

Being a caregiver in any forms, I treat the world with due respect and I am an active voice of environmental groups.

I am a beloved wife, loving mother, an enthusiastic blogger, smart hair stylist and prudent consultant, especially on curling tools. My comparative study on diversified beauty products puts me on the top of the expert table. I rely on facts, scientific approach, and observation in my comparative studies.

Keep in touch with me at louisa1985247@gmail.com. Ask me whatever you have in your mind.

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