The Struggles You Probably Are Facing With Your Thick Hair

Are you the one who has been wishing all of her life for having thick hair and now you are facing the problems you never thought. These problems are such things that thin haired girls would never understand. We know the struggle of girls grown up with thick hair. And today we are going to reveal those problems with thick hair most of the girls can face.

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Having thick hair is like a love-hate relationship and sometimes we think of cutting it all. But short hair is also a mess or cutting it all is not a solution either. So, the struggle is like a never-ending process. Let’s see the problems below.

1. Preparing Your Thick Hair Needs a Lot of Time

Thick hair gets messy easily. It gets messy a lot while you are sleeping at night. So, every time you wake up in the morning, you need to invest lots of your time to prepare your messy thick hair. It may make you late going to your office/work on time.

2. Thick Hair Weights More Than Thin Hair

Having thick hair, you have to carry weights on your head every time. This sometimes causes headache, annoying and your hairstyle will not last long for the weight of the thick hair.

3. Needs Longer Time to Dry

After every shower, you have to give your thick hair enough time to dry. If you are in a hurry you have to deal with this. And if you shower at night, your thick wet hair sometimes needs a full night to dry out. And thus your hair may damage and frizzy for wetness and there will be more tangles in your hair. So, it is really a struggle.

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4. You Always Run Out With Your Hair Care Products

Thick hair needs more shampoo, conditioners, and other hair care products while washing your hair. For that, you have to be careful always about using the products and need to invest a good amount of money.

5. Styling Your Thick Hair Is Not a Pleasant Thing

Whenever you are opting to style your beloved thick hair, you always have to think about its longevity and hassles. Before styling, your thick hair needs to be split into at least a dozen different sections to get the proper style you are wishing. There need more hand works and lots of time for styling your thick hair. And then the disappointing factor is that for it will not last long for its weights and its thickness!

6. Thick Hair Prone to Damage and Frizzy

Thick hair does not dry out easily. It stays wet for long and thus your hair becomes frizzy and for the water molecule, your hair becomes damps as well. It is always a struggle to keep your hair safe from frizziness, damage, and breakage.

7. Thick Hair Causes Colds and Some Scalp Problems

As thick hair stays wet for long, you may catch up a cold, runny nose and sore throat. The biggest problem it does to your scalp that there will be fungus on your scalp for wet hair and that causes itch, irritation, flakes, and dandruff!

8. Blow Drying Your Thick Hair Takes Like a Year

It always takes a lot of time even more than an hour to blow-dry your thick hair. Your arms may become tired and it also needs lots of passion. If you have hurry just forget that, cancel the trip or meeting, sit for more than 1 hour to blow dry your hair. As you know if your hair stays wet, it will be another hassle to fight with next. Besides, after that blow-dry, your thick hair becomes fluffy or may look like a lion’s mane!

9. Thick Hair Is Hard to Comb and It Pulls Out Lots of Your Hair

As for the volume and thickness, it is always hard to comb your thick hair. Most of the times you are pulling strands of your hair out of your head and that are too much pain and grief. We also will see your hairs on your bathtub and hair rollers or your shower drain becomes clogged with your fallen hair. It makes you worry with the thinking that you may probably become bald soon.

10. Get Hair Icicles in the Winter

When you go outside or roaming around at winter time and if you have thick hair, then your hair will surely get icicles and becomes damp as well. Moreover, as thick damp hair does not dry out soon, you will also face frizzy hair problem for that. So, if you are a girl in the winter area, your thick will get you real trouble of hair damage and frizziness.

11. You Face Neck and Scalp Sweat

If you are living in a hot and humid area or going outside in the summer day, it is guaranteed that all of your neck and backside will be flooded with your sweat and your scalp will also wet. Sweating is always a disgusting thing and whenever your scalp gets wet, it attracts more dust, germs, and results in dandruff as well.

12. You Always Find Your Hair in Your Food and Pillow

We have told this above that thick hair has pulled and fallen very often that every time you will wake up from the bed you will see your hair on the pillows and bed sheet. This also happens when you have cooked your food or started eating, you will see hairs on that. Disgusting, right?

13. Thick Hair Prone to Fluffy and Curly

If you have thick hair, you have to be relayed on your flat iron or hair straighteners. Because every time you get up from bed or blow-dry your hair, it gets fluffy, puffy and wavy. Thick hair also gets curl most of the times. So, if you do not like these types of hair, having thick hair is not a pleasant thing for you then.

14. Managing Thick Hair or Making Ponytail With It Is Not Easy

Managing thick hair is always hard and when your thick hair is long as well, you will be in hazardous. And if you like to set your hair in ponytail mode, it will not be so easy to do as it is heavy. Thick hair is really unmanageable. Besides, as for its weight, it will not set in ponytail mode or any other style for long. You have to bind your thick hair hard and need to use lots of pins to set it properly.

15. Thick Hair Means Lots of Knots and Tangles

You will really get bored and frustrated clearing your knots and the tangles if you have thick hairs. There will be too many knots every time you have a shower and wake up from your bed. While clearing the knots you get pain in your head and need to waste your time doing that.


These are the main problems with thick hair you can have faced. Besides, thick hair needs more hair care products that mean a lot of money. Though thick hair is classic and loved by most at the end of the day, you are the sufferer of having this thick hair.



  1. Hello,

    First of all, I must say that it is an amazingly written piece of article with just the right amount of explanation and information one needs to know. I loved reading it thoroughly. Every thick-haired girl can relate to these problems completely.

    However, as much as I love this piece of article and your writing style, I must point out that you didn’t give any solutions to the struggles that you have described. I can assume that every woman with thick hair would have loved to get some suggestions alongside knowing the problems. I hope that you would keep it in mind.

    Then again, it’s a well thought off article. You guys never fail to impress me.

    I wish you all the success and luck.

    1. Dear Tina,

      First of all, thank you very much for your sweet compliments. We are overwhelmed with your response. Our readers’ feedback inspires us to think and write better.

      Secondly, this article is only to discuss the problems of thick tresses, not the solutions. And that’s why we didn’t include any solution s here.

      Nevertheless, we would try to discuss problems and solutions in the same article in the future.

      We appreciate your sincere suggestion.

  2. Hi girls,

    Today I would like to share my experience with you to help you guys if needed.

    I also have extremely thick hair and I agree that it takes hours to completely dry this hair. Even when I use a hairdryer, these tresses don’t dry easily and quickly. To get rid of this problem what I do is I wrap my wet hair with a microfiber hair towel for more than a few minutes. This towel soaks most of the moisture from my thick manes and also reduces drying time by several minutes.

    If you are facing the same problem, then you can try it too. I am sure this will help you a lot.

    1. Dear Caridad,

      Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. We are sure that our readers will find your tips helpful.

      Please don’t hesitate to share more. We would really appreciate it.

  3. Hello there,

    I agree that there are many problems associated with thick hair. It takes time to dry and style these tresses; they require more products and etc. But you cannot deny the fact that having a head full of thick manes is an absolute blessing. You have gorgeous volume and you can flaunt it as like as you want. So, my dear girls with thick manes, try to embrace the problems and find solutions for them. You can never get such hair if you ever lose it.

    1. Dear Tonia,

      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us. We are sure that our readers will find your advice useful.

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